Personal Data Policy for Show Applications
You have been brought to this page because of a question on your application form. The question relates to your permission to contact you for future series.
All the information contained in the questionnaire will be handled in the strictest confidence and held safely and securely in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (the “GDPR”) and True North’s own privacy policy which can be found here:
In the event that you are selected to be in this series, this questionnaire will be retained and will form an appendix of your release form and will thereafter be retained and processed under the “contract basis” of the GDPR.
Future Series
In the event that you are not selected to be (or choose not to be) included in the series you have applied for, and you would like to be considered and contacted for future series of this or other programmes (“Future Series”) then please answer this question on your application: “Do you agree to have your personal information held so we can contact you for future series?”.
We will only keep those details marked with an asterisk (*) on the form and only for a period of two years from Today’s Date, at the end of which, if still appropriate, we shall contact you to see if you are happy for us to continue to retain your details, so we may contact you regarding Future Series.
You may opt out of our holding your details in this way regarding Future Series by emailing and notifying us at